On the Śivarātri day, in Satsang,either nāgendrahārāya trilocanāya - Achāryā's stotra can be chanted
On the Śivarātri day, in a Satsang, either नागेन्द्रहाराय - त्रिलोचनाय (nāgendrahārāya - trilocanāya - Achāryā's Śivapañcākṣara Mantra Stotram) can be chanted, or, the stotram known as the Nakṣatramālā Stotram also composed by Achāryāl can be chanted. श्रीमदात्मने गुणैकसिन्धवे नमः शिवाय | धामलेशधूतकोकबन्धवे नमः शिवाय । (śrīmadātmane guṇaikasindhave namaḥ śivāya dhāmaleśadhūtakokabandhave namaḥ śivāya)
Beginning thus, chanting these 27 ślokās in 4 pādās (quarters) will result in 108 chants of the Pañcākṣaram. Such stotras should be taught to children, and everyone including strīs and puruṣas, should be encouraged to recite them. शिव शिव पश्यन्ति समं श्रीकामाक्षीकटाक्षिताः पुरुषाः । विपिनं भवनममित्रं मित्रं लोष्टं च युवतिबिम्बोष्ठम् ॥ (śiva śiva paśyanti samaṃ śrīkāmākṣīkaṭākṣitāḥ puruṣāḥ | vipinaṃ bhavanamamitraṃ mitraṃ loṣṭaṃ ca yuvatibimboṣṭham ||) When that Śiva kaṭākṣa is bestowed, Jñāna (knowledge) can be attained.
यः शिवो नामरूपाभ्यां या देवी सर्वमङ्गला ।तयोः संसरणात् पुंसां सर्वतो जयमङ्गलम् ॥ (yaḥ śivo nāmarūpābhyāṃ yā devī sarvamaṅgalā | tayoḥ saṃsaraṇāt puṃsāṃ sarvato jayamaṅgalam ||) यः शिवो नामरूपाभ्यां - the name Śivam means auspicious. That auspiciousness should be bestowed upon all of us. There should be virtuousness in śarīra, manas, buddhi, and aiśvarya. स्वश्रेयसं शिवं भद्रं कल्याणं मङ्गळं शुभम् (svaśreyasaṃ śivaṃ bhadraṃ kalyāṇaṃ maṅgal̤aṃ śubham) - Such auspicious good fortune should be bestowed. यश्शिवो नामरूपाभ्यां या देवी सर्वमङ्गला । (yaśśivo nāmarūpābhyāṃ yā devī sarvamaṅgalā |) - Ambāl is known by the name Sarvamaṅgalā. She does good to all, all the time, in all different ways. She bestows auspiciousness in many different ways at all times. She bestows good in various ways. Sometimes, Thaduthal - preventing some actions - turns out to be beneficial. At other times, Thaduthu aatkolluthal - accepting us into Her compassionate grace - is the best. Thus, Ambāl bestows Her grace in many forms.
Receiving that Ādi Dampati's anugraham - यश्शिवो नामरूपाभ्यां या देवी सर्वमङ्गला, तयोः संस्मरणात् पुंसाम् (yaśśivo nāmarūpābhyāṃ yā devī sarvamaṅgalā, tayoḥ saṃsmaraṇāt puṃsām (By remembering who is Śiva in both name and form and the goddess who is all-auspicious) - सर्वतो जयमङ्गलम् (sarvato jayamaṅgalam) - they state that just by remembering them we can attain good and triumph. #Kamakoti #Jagadguruvacanam