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From the pages of Book titled, “நினைவலைகள்” on PujyaSri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal compiled by Sri Swaminathan, popular Writer and Speaker on Sri Mahaswami.


HH Sri Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal’s reminiscences


Face to face interview with HH Acharya Swamigal by Sri Valampuri John


“No one needs to save Hinduism; it will save and redeem itself”

A divine experience of Sri Periava Darsanam preceded the interview that was conducted in Tamil. Acharya Swamigal was conversing enthusiastically just like a child transcending the codes of hermetic conduct and practices. A sense of thrill filled me when I met the Acharya Swamigal like the waterbodies getting filled by the melting snow. I remember the help of Sri Kamakoti Gurukkal, Sri Tamizhmaran and others who arranged for my darsanam. Like a mad person I am going round and round ….and now the doors of the sanctum sanctorum is opening…


We learn that the Acharya Swamigal has started an Indian Youth Movement. Please let us the need


Feelings like ‘my language’, ‘my own state’ have been on the rise. Broad outlook like Bharat as a country is on the decline. Failure to understand the other religions results in confrontation. If the feeling of being an ‘Indian’ reign, then there would be no need for divisions and differences. This movement has higher aims than the good aims of institutions like the Rotary and Lion clubs. The movement is functioning very well at Salem. Besides protecting the traditions and the culture of India, the aim is to do social service to the people. India should be protected.


Acharya Swamigal – you are saying that Indian tradition and culture must be protected. In my humble observation, people of Tamil Nadu are viewed as narrow-minded by those in the northern part. When we talk about the poet Kabir Das, we are broad-minded, while we talk about the poet Thiruvalluvar, we become narrow-minded – how is this?


I do not think that while talking about the poet Kabir Das, everyone thinks that way. Although, there is no need to differentiate between north and south. In place of that, we should consider both the poets Kabir Das and Thiruvalluvar as representatives of the Indian culture. We think that Hindi alone exists in the north. Beyond us are languages like Oriya, Bengali, Punjabi, and many. Also, there are variations of Hindi language. To these people we should provide details about Thiruvalluvar and classic literature from here. How is that we remain without sharing the information of our great predecessors and their wisdom? We have arranged Tirukural to be available in Hindi so that people in the north can learn about Thiruvalluvar’s teachings. What is the use of discussing our greatness internally among ourselves? Don’t we have to share these teachings that impart good conduct & discipline with others?


There is an illusion that Sri Matam is against Tirukural …?


What I said is that, the administration (political affairs) is not in accordance with the tenets of Tirukural’s section dealing with economics (Poruliyal). People have gone away from the teachings under the ‘virtue’ section (Aram) and there is no need to read the section dealing with ‘pleasure’ (Inbam), since people are already immersed in that, is what I opined. I mentioned that the first ten couplets should be compulsorily featured as a religious teaching and through that we should impart discipline, morals to the children. These statements have been misreported by a political leader. Will anyone speak against a literature that preaches good conduct?


In our Hindu religion there are very many rituals and codes of conduct for even small small affairs. Given that, why are there no rituals to admit into the Hindu religion from other religions since the very early days? Or are there rituals for such changes? I am not referring to the process of initiation observed in later times.


Hindu religion has an enriching broad outlook. Hindus do not think that their religion is superior and that others are inferior. The situation was that every religion is acceptable. Therefore, when religions like Jainism, Buddhism arose, there was a necessity to re-admit those who wanted to come back to the Hindu religion, not because that they are different religions but since those religious practices are contradicting with the Vedic tenets and spirituality thereof. Are you not aware of the history and story of ‘Appar Swamigal’? So, it seems that there was some mechanism available to accommodate people coming back to the Hindu religion.


As Acharya Swamigal mentioned, if there are no rituals to admit from other religions to our Hindu religion, it would tantamount to a conjecture that the Hindu religion believes that there is truth in other religions as well. If so, now in some places we are admitting from other religions to the Hindu religion. Does the Acharya Swamigal consider this going against the basic faith of the Hindu religion?


I do not consider like that. There is no need for anyone to protect the Hindu religion. It is a virtue. It can protect itself. For me, India should be saved. For that, shouldn’t the Hindu religion remain without decay (bringing down its pristinity)? To that end take this as an effort. This youth movement is for that purpose.


Aho Acharya Swamigal! If so, can you admit Muslims and Christians to the youth movement?


Of course, they can join. This is only a youth movement. The rules and regulations are already printed and available. You can read for yourself.


When Acharya Swamigal says India should be saved, there cannot be two opinions about that. Although, doesn’t it appear that people in the north look upon those in Tamil Nadu as aliens?


Noone is seeing you as an alien. We are all Indians. This feeling should be predominant. We should broaden our perspective.


Attachment to the land of Tamil Nadu and Tamil language are pointed out as being short-sighted by some people. One of the reasons stated for that is Tamil Nadu is relatively small compared to the size of India. If Tamil Nadu is viewed as small in comparison with India, is it not true that India is small in comparison with the world?


What is small – what is big? We are all people who fought for the freedom of India together. Freedom is got by the united fighting. For so many years we have identified ourselves with this land with demarcations. India has thus become our land. Shouldn’t the affection shown for its land by a small country like Israel be not there for us? If India is looked down by other countries, shouldn’t we feel ashamed?


Acharya Swamigal .. recently Puratchi Thalaivar’s government has introduced nutritious meal scheme to feed poor children .. What does the Swamigal say about that?


Good scheme … great plan. We shall never forget those who feed us. Even if one forgets a mother, we should not forget the people who provide us food. Like showing gratitude to one’s mother, we should express gratitude to those who feed us. This is a great virtue; no second opinion on that. Services from institutions like the Rotary and Lions could be utilised. Just for this scheme, a separate department could be created. Although, (smilingly) this is a matter dealing with eating; hence proper care should be exercised.


Acharya Swamigal is visiting villages … do you find any changes now?


This government is doing many things for the benefit of the below poverty people living in the villages. Despite that, we have to say that the full scale of benefits is not reaching them. An environment should be developed in such a way that a Harijan is able to directly approach a designated Harijan welfare department official. He is not able to approach the district collector and revenue officials with ease. There is no dearth in what the government does – it should be ensured that whatever good is done reaches out to the target people ultimately.


There is an association for each sect now ….


In those days, there used to be self-control within a locality across all the people. Nowadays, each sect is creating associations for protecting them sect-wise. It is a pity that such sect-based associations do not mention God at all. One sect-based association should not conflict with another sect-based association. We should observe the principle of one-country, one-people and see unity in diversity.


What is the opinion of the Acharya Swamigal regarding the temple administration in Tamil Nadu?


There is a situation even among Gods in the temples as rich Gods and poor gods evoking sarcasm. In some temples there is abundant wealth while there are temples that suffer the possibility of getting closed. There are transport corporations like Periyar, Anna, Pallavan functioning here. One may be incurring loss and others making money. Just because the corporation is losing money will they close it down? Likewise, temples should be divided into zones, where wealthy temples can fund and maintain the not-so-wealthy or poor temples.


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