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Kadamba Tree Significance

From the book of "நான் கண்ட பூஜ்ய ஸ்ரீ மஹாபெரியவா" by Veenai Neela Mami (ஸ்ரீமதி நீலா சுப்ரமணியன்)

Page Number 42-43

Kadamba vruksha puja at the mutt

Planting of Saplings at Orikkai

The person with the cap is the IIT Horticulture chief Mr. Srinivasan who has given the ten saplings of kadamba tree and guided site preparation as well as planting.

This tree variety is known as fresh water mangrove - needs a lot of water and ideal to be plotted near water bodies to prevent soli erosion.

So this fits in well at Orikkai - on the banks of palar. Ten saplings surrounding the shrine that you can make out in the video

Sandal wood cannot tolerate water stagnation - marked difference from this

All the ten trees have a name plate so people can identify and protect over the years.

Ten years back I planted one kadamba tree at the University - it was growing well - this time when I went there was a new mud road over its place! Hence decided to put name plates at Orikkai.

It is a slow growing tree. It may take 5 years to start flowering.

Generally a rare species

Courtesy: Sri. Ramesh, Prof. IIT, Chennai



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