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Pune Camp - 05 Feb 2024

The entire family stood before the Acharyal with folded hands and offered their pranams. On seeing them with graceful smile, the Acharyal asked the family of Karnataka, by mentioning their family name, "You all had come to Varanasi". The entire family nodded in joy for the thoughtful remembrance of the Acharyal. Some one said, "Remembrance is the greatest Rose in the garden of memory". Here it is the greatest blessing. When the greatest acharyas remember us, it is a great protection for us. For that we need to have faith and devotion.

Another parent sought blessings of the Acharyal for their daughter, who wanted to pursue medicine course and become a doctor. The Acharyal had suggested to chant daily the Dakshinamurthy Stotram. Any work we undertake, the third factor or unknown factor , the God plays an important role. Our Sankalpa with full efforts supported by the grace of Guru and God, bear fruits.



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