Srimatham camp moves today from Ayodhya to Sitapur! After completing Trikaala Chandramouleeswara Pooja this afternoon, Pujyasri Acharya after having blessed the gathered devotees including some Veda Pathashala Vidyarthis, started from the Ayodhya Shankara Matham, visited the Choti Devkaali Mandir and the Ashram of Sri Nitya Gopaldas Swamiji before proceeding to Sitapur. Pujyasri Acharya would be at the Gurukul Vidyalay, Sitapur from Nov.3 - Nov.5, and during course of the stay would be visiting the Naimisharanya Kshetram. Jaya Jaya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara 🙏🙏
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